Unfortunately due to the current health crisis with COVID-19, we are postponing our London location.
Stay tuned for new dates and details. We can’t wait to come across the pond!
Join us in London
March 25-26, 2020
East Wintergarden, 43 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5NX
Register now for Day 1, Day 2 or both days with a special discount!
Check out our speakers, hands-on coordinators and schedule below!

- Had a notebook full of notes and ideas collect dust in a drawer?
- Tried to implement something new you learned — only to make a mistake and lose a potential client?
- Wasted time and money on styled shoots that weren’t published and didn’t show your talents?
If you answered yes to any of these,
The Bridal Masterclass Experience was made just for you.

In our Day 1 Seminars:
Learn from the leaders in the wedding industry about
how to implement game-changing strategies for growth in:
- marketing to a new generation
- becoming more inclusive for the LGBTQ+ community
- branding basics and beyond
- steps to a sustainable business for years to come
- standing out from the sea of competition
In our Day 2 Hands-On Styled Shoot Workshops:
- Receive hands-on direction and feedback
- Take home professional photos of YOUR work to use for your marketing and social media
- Learn how to create content when and how you want to
- Get step-by-step social media instruction along the way to give you content even during the workshop
In our Day 2 Evening Couples Event:
- Practice new techniques and wording on engaged couples in a low-pressure environment
- Meet real engaged couples and their friends
- Engage in instagrammable ways to make connections and create your biggest fans
Join us in London
March 25-26, 2020
East Wintergarden, 43 Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5NX
Register now for Day 1, Day 2 or both days with a special discount!
Check out our speakers, hands-on coordinators and schedule below!

Day 1, March 25:
8:30am: Breakfast Bites/Networking
9am: Welcome
9:30am: TBD
10:30am: Publication Panel Discussion: Do’s + Don’ts To Get Published
11:15am: Terry Lewis: 3 Zones To Becoming More Successful
12pm: Lunch
1:15pm: Shafonne Myers: Identifying Your Ideal Millennial Client
2pm: TBD
2:45pm: Break
3pm: Masterclass Interview: Tracy Butterfield
4pm-5pm: Bites, Bubbly, Networking
Day 2, March 26:
8:30am: Breakfast Bites/Networking
9am: Styled Shoot Setup
12pm: Lunch
1pm: Styled Shoot Setup: Finishing Touches
2pm: Shooting Styled Shoots
5pm: Prepare for Event
6pm-8pm: Engaged Couples Event
8pm-9:30pm: Breakdown

Coming Soon!