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Join us in Dallas

March 3-4, 2020

at an amazing location!


Place At Tyler, 1300 S Polk Street, #234, Dallas, TX 75224

Check out our speakers, hands-on coordinators and schedule below!

  • Had a notebook full of notes and ideas collect dust in a drawer?
  • Tried to implement something new you learned — only to make a mistake and lose a potential client?
  • Wasted time and money on styled shoots that weren’t published and didn’t show your talents?

If you answered yes to any of these,

The Bridal Masterclass Experience was made just for you.

In our Day 1 Seminars:


Learn from the leaders in the wedding industry about

how to implement game-changing strategies for growth in:

  • marketing to a new generation
  • becoming more inclusive for the LGBTQ+ community
  • branding basics and beyond
  • steps to a sustainable business for years to come
  • standing out from the sea of competition
In our Day 2 Hands-On Styled Shoot Workshops:


  • Receive hands-on direction and feedback
  • Take home professional photos of YOUR work to use for your marketing and social media
  • Learn how to create content when and how you want to
  • Get step-by-step social media instruction along the way to give you content even during the workshop
In our Day 2 Evening Couples Event:


  • Practice new techniques and wording on engaged couples in a low-pressure environment
  • Meet real engaged couples and their friends
  • Engage in instagrammable ways to make connections and create your biggest fans


Join us in Dallas


March 3-4, 2020

at the most amazing location!


Place At Tyler, 1300 S Polk Street, #234, Dallas, TX 75224

Register now for Day 1, Day 2 or both days with a special discount!

Check out our speakers, hands-on coordinators and schedule below!

A special thanks to our local partners:

Day 1, March 3:


8:30am: Breakfast Bites/Networking

9am: Welcome 

9:30am: Emily Clarke: Designing Your Dream Job

10:15am: Kirsten PalladinoAuthentically Inclusive

11am: Publication Panel Discussion: Do’s + Don’ts To Get Published

11:45am: Lunch

12:45pm: Shafonne Myers: Identifying Your Ideal Millennial Client

1:30pm:  Kaleigh Wiese: Font Psychology + Visual Grammar

2:30pm: Break

2:45pm: Breakout Sessions (choose one)

Amber Anderson: Reclaim Your Planning Business: Systems and Documentation that Lead to Balance and Profit

Dan Quinn: From Transaction to Trust

Jacqueline Hill: From Difficult to Delightful: How to Manage Your Problematic Clients

4pm-5pm: Bites, Bubbly, Networking

Day 2, March 4:


8:30am: Breakfast Bites/Networking

9am: Styled Shoot Setup: Rotations

12pm: Lunch

1pm: Styled Shoot Setup: Finishing Touches 

2pm: Shooting Styled Shoot: Rotations

5pm: Prepare for event

6pm-8pm: Engaged Couples Event

8pm-9:30pm: Breakdown

Anyone out there sick of their job? Or at least sick of the parts of your job you hate? 

While some things cannot be avoided, others can. And if you can find out what CAN be avoided, that would be your dream job, right?

Well, you’re in luck because Emily is going to help you determine what you are great at in your business and learn how to sell that to your clients so you can do more of what you already love and less of what you don’t.

Emily Clarke

Emily Clarke Events

Ready to get in the heads of your potential clients? How about using visual grammar and font psychology?


Then you definitely cannot miss Kaleigh here as she will be discussing the unspoken aspects of marketing your business and what your branding is saying to your clients (whether you are intending to you or not!) so you can ensure the message you want them to receive is the one that you are projecting.

Kaleigh Wiese

Label by Meldeen

According to the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education"The average size of an American woman is now between 16 to 18, which is an increase from 10-year-old data that indicated most women in the U.S. were a size 14."

Millennials and Gen Z brides want to see themselves in your images and social media. What are you doing to be more size-inclusive in your marketing?

Shafonne will show you simple ways to be more inclusive and book more clients.

Shafonne Myers

Pretty Pear Bride

Isn't it the worst when you do something you don't mean to do?

Most vendors aren't trying to exclude same sex couples but many just don't know enough about the LGBTQ+ community to be aware of how they might not seem as welcoming as they want to be.

Kirsten will help break it all down for you and will also sit on the Publication Panel to help you understand what editors look for in styled shoots and real wedding submissions.

Kirsten Palladino

Equally Wed

Ever have a really difficult client? Ever feel at a loss for how to make dealing with these types of clients easier? 

You’re not alone. 

Learn how to turn these difficult clients into delightful ones who will only sing your praises during and after working with you.

Jacqueline Hill

Jacqueline Hill Events

Sometimes earning your client’s trust after the initial transaction can be as frustrating as before they sign on the dotted line.

So what are the steps to creating a trusting relationship with your clients so they allow you to be the pro you are?

Dan will share stories and best practices that have not only shaped his business model and helped him earn business, but also created lasting relationships out of those who were originally doubters.

Dan Quinn

DQB Entertainment

When it comes to being a wedding planner, stressed is often the name of the game. But by applying proper systems and procedures, we can reclaim our lives.

In this implementation session, we will cover documentation, CYA and having a quality workflow.

Amber will walk you through a way to save 10-15 hours per client, giving you more time to make money or take that vacation you’ve been dreaming about. You will leave better equipped to attract clients you actually love and empowered to better showcase your value. 

Amber Anderson

Refine for Wedding Planners